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Technical Symposium , Timisoara 2010

On May 14, 2010, between 8.30 to 12 o clock, took  place the  "TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM- Timisoara 2010”.

The event was organized by the Politechnica University of Timisoara in cooperation with Siemens AG and G & T INTERNATIONAL ROMANIA, in the Amphitheatre 150 of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from the Politechnica University of Timisoara.

The presentations of the Symposium included the following:

 §         Siemens Numerical Controls-package technology for milling and turning

 §         The concept of Herm in the 5-axis CNC processing

 §         Working on cars spark ELECTROEROSION NEB

 §         CAD-CAM SOFTWARE: ESPRIT - The most Powerful CAM software ever

 Additional information about the event can be found here.














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