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"Optimization and Quality for Your Business" workshop organized by West RDA in partnership with Effective Flux Consultancy, Timișoara, 14 - 15 June 2018

 Between June 14-15 2018, The West Regional Development Agency, as Enterprise Europe Network partner, will host the "Optimization and Quality for Your Business" workshop, together with  Effective Flux Consultancy firm in Timișoara (No.5, Proclamatia de la Timișoara Str., Boardroom, first floor).


The objective of the course is to present the main methods for cutting operational costs, boosting production capacity and reducing the losses due to poor quality.

This course is intended for small and medium-sized businesses that want to implement these improvement methods and who meet specific requirements from their customers or who want to anticipate these requirements in the future.


Participation in the course is free of charge.


The course agenda consists of:


·      Added Value. Waste identification. Techniques to reduce waste. Lean production systems. Implementation. Opportunities to finance Lean implementation programmes. Workshops - Loss Identification; competence assessment; visual management.

·      Quality. Efficacy vs. Efficiency. Quality Link - Lean Production System. Workshops - what does quality of service mean? process stability.

·      Common Problem Solving Techniques: 5 De Ce, Ishikawa, Brainstorming, PDCA, 8D, Six Sigma. Advantages and disadvantages in use. Workshops: Ishikawa / 5 De Ce.


More information about the event:


• Course date and location:

14 June 2018 - West RDA headquarters 09.00 - 17.00 (lunch and two coffee breaks will be provided by the organizers)

15 June 2018 - visit to ZF TRW | 09.00 - 12.00 (transport to the ZF TRW company is not ensured, the participants will have to travel personally at the headquarters address: 16, Măcin Str.)

• Application Deadline: 12 June 2018

• Number of participants per organization: 3

• Language of the event: Romanian

• Costs: free of charge


For any further information and registration, please feel free to contact us by e-mail:, contact Cristin Cistelecan, or mobile: 0746 156 520.

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