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Initiation course in Lean Six Sigma, Bucharest, 26-28 September 2011


Lean Six Sigma is an integrated management approach for the continuous improvement of the processes. This approach combines the Lean methodology, of reducing the process term by removing the losses, with the Six Sigma methodology, of reducing the process variation. The method can be applied wherever there are variations of the processes or results as well as flow losses.
This course provides information about some useful management methods of improving the processes developed in an organization. By applying those methods the costs and the consumptions should reduce. The course has a flexible structure, including an active training. There will be a theoretical part and a work group (exercises, simulations, role plays, sharing experiences, case studies, discussions).
After completing the course, Philean Company will provide long distance consulting for the first six months of application of the principles and the methods covered during training. Thus, upon request, the participants will receive answers and suggestions to solve particular problems occurred during the first project.
For registration and more information about the event, please check:
Contact: Cristina Musat - 0745252428.
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