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Challenge Towards World Class Manufacturing - Training course in Japan for EU executives and managers

WCM is an intensive 5-day training mission in Japan about improvement of productivity, assisting executives from EU manufacturing companies to acquire a better understanding of how Japanese companies continually eliminate costs from their manufacturing. This mission will provide participants with an ideal opportunity to visit some of the world's most advanced Japanese plants to understand the real “Gemba”, (i.e. the production site), to talk directly with their production managers, and to observe how manufacturing methods are implemented effectively.

The purposes of the mission in Japan are:
·         to discover the Japanese approach towards World-Class Manufacturing;
·         to discern and learn how Japanese firms achieve superior production standards;
·         to focus on the latest trends by visiting the top manufacturing plants in Japan;
·         to visit the real "GEMBA" (i.e. production site in Japan);
·         to meet the industry leaders via exchanges with senior Japanese management authorities.
The Training dates in Japan: from 15 - 19 October 2012 and the application deadline: Thursday, 7 June 2012
For more information about eligibility, selection and costs or registration please consult: .
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